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Restaurant Email Marketing: How to Increase Customer Base through Email Marketing

Restaurant email marketing

Marketing emails are said to affect 59 percent of people’s purchasing decisions. And, with a highest return on investment of $38 for every $1 spent, email has proven to be the most effective marketing channel. Email marketing is not only effective for businesses, but it’s also one of the easiest restaurant marketing strategies to implement. You will need a well-thought-out approach in your restaurant marketing, to let the target audience know about your restaurant,

Restaurant Email Marketing Strategies

Email is one of the most successful way to communicate with your consumers. With the increased usage of smartphones and quicker access to email inboxes, email marketing is not only relevant, but also a critical component of digital marketing strategy for today’s restaurants. Direct mail is effective, but email offers more alternatives and is less expensive.

Below listed are some of the email marketing strategies that will help boost your efforts on the restaurants marketing strategy.

Personalized Promotions

One of the most successful ways to provide offers and promotions is through an email list. Make sure people have the most up-to-date menus while also incentivize them to join your mailing list by offering them unique deals that aren’t available to the general public. “Segmentation” and “Personalization” are the keys to efficient email marketing.

Email Segmentation

It’s vital to remember that not every restaurant customer is the same. Each consumer group will have distinct requirements and interests. The key to identifying these categories so that we can better serve our consumers is segmentation. Greater open and click rates, as well as a better response to restaurant offers and promotions, can be achieved by segmenting the email list.

Email Personalization

Personalization is the process of tailoring your email to address the customer in a personal manner. When you have further information about them, such as their name, age, interests, and behavioral patterns, this is achievable. Personalizing emails by addressing them with a name is an excellent place to start. The next step is to send “relevant” email content based on the interest or behavior of the customer.

Send out emails with frequent, consistent, and relevant offers and promotions. To make your offers and promotions efforts more effective, use email list segmentation and personalization.

Retargeting Website Visitors

Do you have an efficient approach to re-engage people who land on your restaurant’s website for the first time, or do you simply let them click elsewhere? It makes sense to capitalize further when you have engaged in organic or paid promotion to boost visitors and drive traffic to the website of the restaurant. It’s just as simple to control your website visitors surfing behavior. Keep the visitors engaged on your site by directing them to opt-in via an embedded form or a popup after a predetermined interval.

The ideal technique to incentivize them is to use a “lead magnet” to reward them by delivering something of value. The promise of deals and special promotions in exchange for their email address can be considered as a value. Another incentive is to provide them with a freebie that they can download right away by supplying their email address. This could be a recipe, a coupon, cooking advice, or a basic checklist. Through well-designed email marketing campaigns, you can easily expand your customer list and successfully retarget website visitors.


Nurture Loyal Customers

If your restaurant offers a customer loyalty program or is considering doing so in the near future, the email list is critical to the program’s success. Make sure you highlight your monthly offers and upcoming events while sending out updates on loyalty programs. It’s a simple method to entice your regulars to come in more frequently. To build an effective marketing campaign for customer engagement, integrate the loyalty program and email marketing.

Follow-up Online Ordering Customers

If your restaurant supports online ordering, you are probably already aware of the customer email addresses from previous orders. If not, figure out how to gather the email address at the end of the online order checkout procedure in a GDPR-compliant method. This type of segmentation allows you to quickly grow your email list and communicate with customers in a variety of ways.

This can be done by obtaining solicit feedback on the experience of the online ordering customer. This is the first step in engaging with the online ordering customer. This can be set up by implementing an email auto-responder system within your online ordering system.

List Building and Reputation Management

You are leveraging email for proactive Customer Relationship Management, enhancing operations, and managing your restaurant’s reputation. When allowing online ordering, this is one of the most successful restaurant email marketing methods that any restauranteur should implement right away. Finally, you can send events and seasonal promotions to your online ordering consumers, such as sports events, holidays, and seasonal incentives.

What Can Restaurant Email Campaigns Do To You?

Your highest goal as the owner of a restaurant is to be distinct in a highly competitive market of mid-size and global businesses. One way to do this is to run restaurant email campaigns. Implementing email campaigns of your restaurant is the best way to:

  • Bring in new clients to your restaurant
  • Show your existing consumers how much you appreciate them
  • Keep your customers coming back

3 Reasons Why You Should Use Restaurant Email Marketing

To Build Powerful Customer Relationships

A restaurant newsletter is an excellent method to stay in touch with your customers. You can provide offers and deals to potential consumers to prompt them in visiting your restaurant. After your customers visit your restaurant, send consumers a thank-you email; a facile thank-you email can boost your brand’s worth significantly. You may keep existing customers informed about latest menus and exceptional offers.

To Promote Deals

By delivering free information, restaurants email marketing helps you create a strong and healthy relationship with your subscribers. It also allows you to send free gifts. Sending promotional emails of your restaurant to your customers has a two-fold effect: it conveys your business information while also includes an exclusive deal for your valuable subscribers.

Below listed are some suggestions for sending a promotional restaurant newsletter:

  • Offer discounts, special offers, and coupons.
  • Share some special recipes
  • Give suggestions for rapid meal preparation.
  • Latest menu items should be highlighted, and menu updates should be shared.
  • Chef’s specials will be shared.
  • Tell about your restaurant’s history.
  • Allow your subscribers to see what’s going on behind the scenes by introducing the team.

Customized restaurant newsletters

To invite subscribers to your events

Most of the restaurants host special events and celebrations on occasion. It is suggested that you send an invitation email to your email subscribers while organizing an event. Customers and email subscribers who are invited to your special occasions are more likely to return. Subscribers must be informed about your restaurant’s events in order to visit and dine there. Your restaurant invitation email is crucial to the success of your event. It is the method via which you will be able to let your customers and subscribers know about your special evenings.

5 Effective Ways to Build an Email List for Your Restaurant

If you are going to execute restaurant email marketing, you will need to think about how you will keep generating leads sustainably so you can grow and build an extensive email list. Restaurants Email List can be an effective way to increase the traffic and maximize the conversions, which consists of the complete contact list of restaurants.

To execute an effective marketing campaign, you must first determine who your most likely target customers are and what the best ways to engage with them. To achieve this successfully, you will need an error-free, up-to-date, and verified email list of restaurant owners, which holds the email addresses of your target customers across the globe. If food products, hotel equipment, software, magazines, or other services are your business offerings that cater the needs of restaurants, then a customized email list of restaurant owners is the appropriate tool for you.

Are you looking for a way to grow your email list? Here are six ways to grow your restaurants email list.

Create a Contact Form

The reservation page of your restaurant serves as a hub for generating leads. Maintain a healthy customer relationship with people who make reservations via your website. You should congratulate them for making the reservation, and then welcome them to special events or send your finest restaurant newsletters.

Display Eye-catching Popups on Your Website

Nothing is more irritating than a popup that displays at the moment when you enter a website. But according to SumoMe,

“When utilized correctly, popups improve and increase engagement and have a 9.28 percent conversion rate”

Use website popups like the ones below to acquire more email addresses for your restaurant;

  • Tailor your popup to the design and brand of your website
  • Provide discounts or special deals
  • Activate your popup to appear after few seconds or after 40 percent of the website has been scrolled
  • Activate exit-popups
  • Activate popups to display only twice for each website visitor
  • To close the popup, impart a clear close button
  • Finally, make a user-friendly website

Request Customers to Join Your Email List

Your website link can be included in menus that are printed, credit card receipts, and encourage customers to subscribe to your email list. Customers will become aware of the prospect of receiving discounts and deals in the inboxes of their email this way. Alternatively, simply request them to give their email addresses with you so that you can include them to your email database later. You can place a QR code on your menus and receipts that takes the code scanners to a landing page where customers can subscribe and receive a special deal.

feedback from customers

Promote Email-only Offers

One of the best examples is the opt-in form of the restaurant. A simple image can convey a cheerful, friendly, and positive vibe that assists in reinforcing the benefit that the receiver will enjoy after the subscription is done. This creates a captivating and intriguing amalgamation. This makes guests feel unique by offering them to join the restaurant’s VIP club. The popup headline emphasizes that VIP club members will receive unique deals only via email.

Create a Referral Campaign

In your restaurant emails, provide a referral link to encourage customers to forward your email to their friends, coworkers, and other connections. To incentivize your subscribers, offer them a prize in exchange for referring a friend. A discount, a coupon, or a free dessert can be given as a present.

Wrapping Up!

The goal of restaurant email marketing is always to increase customer engagement through email marketing campaigns. Restaurant email newsletters, automated emails like birthday emails, sending holiday email campaigns, and customer appreciation emails that are sent to the loyal customers of your restaurant are some of the most effective ways to attract the customers to your restaurant. Email marketing is still one of the most cost-effective marketing tactics for small and medium-sized businesses. However, using the restaurant email marketing examples above will enhance customer engagement and allow you to compete more effectively with global brands.


Diana Morris

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