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How Email Subject Lines can Increase your Open Rates

5 Best Email Subject Line Styles to Increase Your Open Rates

Among all the different marketing strategies, email is considered as the most effective way to reach prospects, promote brand, and build relationships. According to the statistics bureau, emails have the highest return on investment. However, several factors affect the success of email marketing, where open rate being the most important one. The number of open rates depends primarily on email subject line.

Subject lines are equally important as the body of the email. According to statistics, 47% of recipients open a message based on the subject line, whereas 69% of receivers report it as spam based on the same element.

Here are the six tips to keep in mind while crafting a subject line for your email campaigns.

1. Keep your Subject Line Short

Email subject lines should be short and crisp. If it is too long, it might get cropped on mobile devices. According to statistics, 77% of email opens take place on mobile, therefore using subject lines with lesser than 50 characters will make sure that the people can read the entire subject line on small screen.

Also, the subject line should be specific and have a purpose to increase the open rate. For instance, “your favorite order is being processed” looks better than “order #987654321 has been processed”.

2. Add Humors to Subject Line

It’s a great way to captivate your recipients with good humor. Hence, if you know your recipients well and your emails are targeted, a well-placed joke can get your email opened.

Some of the best humorous subject lines are:

• From Jet blue, “Land wander-ful low fares now”!
• Quirky, a community-led invention platform, worded its subject line as “Abra-cord-abra.”


3. Usage of Numbers

Using numbers in your subject line can be exciting and attention-grabbing. According to some research reports, the human brain is more attracted to numbers, so adding this to your email marketing campaign can boost the open rate drastically.

We recommend you to perform A/B testing on this subject line. Through A/B testing, you will be able to find out which works best for your brand in terms of open rates.


4. Create Curiosity in your Subject line

Most of the people are curious by nature. Therefore, your subject line should try to instil curiosity in the minds of the subscriber. Try to give a hint and make them interested so that they open your message. If you tell your subscriber about a discount straightaway, they will not have any objective to open the message unless they are ready to use it.

For example, instead of writing, “Here is 30% off your next purchase,” you can write “mystery sale – open to view”.


5. Use Single word or Concise Subject Line

It is always better to use a single word subject line than to use complicated or flowery words. Let’s take a peek on the Gmail subject line. Google has started using subject lines with images and a single word that is known to attract the subscribers.

These one-word subject line catches the eye of the potential clients as its length stands out from the other similar looking messages.


6. Build Personalized Subject Lines

Giving a personal touch to your subject line will increase the open rate of your email campaign.
According to IDM, personalized subject line has a great impact on your email campaign. With this, you will get more clicks, a few more subscribes, higher customer satisfaction, and more sales.

You can use the following details to personalize your content:
• Name
• Postal location
• Birthday
• Current location
• Social media accounts
• Product recommendations


Conclusion Note

Your email campaign might be great, but if you don’t get enough open rate, it is pointless. Follow the above tips for improving open rates and increasing ROI using email marketing.


Diana Morris

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