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B2B Marketing Strategies to follow in 2020


As the New Year is few weeks away, and marketing analysts continue to predict how innovations in digital media, platforms, and technology will take place in 2020. 2020 will witness several ongoing evolutions of B2B trends, which will make a significant impact on firms in the coming year.

Here are some of such marketing trends that helps you succeed in 2020

Customer-Centric Approach

Digital marketing is a million-dollar world. It is no longer about convincing customers to buy or to work for your company. Instead, the priority has moved to give them fantastic customer experience that will keep people coming back to you. Henceforth, B2B now realizes that it is vital to maintain customer relationships (CX) along with brand experience and employee experience. These three separately functions to deliver the brand’s promise authentically. In other words, in 2020, you should consider CX in every marketing strategy.


Account-Based Marketing Is The New Buzz

Account-based marketing is an exciting step towards marketing and creating a lot of buzzes. According to research, 92% of firms recognize the value of ABM, and it is “must-have” for most of the industry. For B2B firms, ABM is a focused approach to generate new business than solely relying on the inbound strategy to lead generation. In 2020, B2B firms will witness that ABM is going to be approved by many companies to create an account centric model in sales, marketing, and client success.


Interactive Content is the Key

Content marketing is a digital strategy in which companies invest to create relevantly, leadership-oriented content.B2B marketers are increasingly turning into interactive and visual content to engage their target audience. According to the latest study of Demand Gen report, 91% of B2B buyer prefers interactive and visual content to static content.


Below are the few interactive, visual content trends for 2020:

  • Investment in the video, short-form, or long-form will become more prominent.
  • Short-form videos will become necessary for the use of websites and social media content.
  • The live streaming event will become an alternative to webinars.
  • Visual content such as infographics will become resurgence, and interactive infographics will become more prominent.
  • Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn should be given more attention, and more videos should be uploaded on these platforms.
  • Maximum usage of micro-interactions, background videos, and other forms of interactive content.


Live events are always powerful

Live events such as trade shows and the conference has always been popular in B2B marketing. They rank live events as an essential tactic for converting leads to clients. B2B live events require evolution, and the B2C approach will mainly induce this.


Here are the few points which will help many firms experimenting with how to leverage a variety of the firms experimenting to :

  • Creative Scenic Design

Using innovative scenic design like scenic lighting elements, 4k display, and comfy furniture to break down the tradition and make it more engaging by doing all these.

  • 3D Projection Mapping

Projection mapping uses everyday video projectors, where light is mapped onto any surface. It has become essential in significant consumer events, big production events, etc. But as the technology has become economical, maximum B2B marketers can leverage it in their space and activities.


Artificial Intelligence Will Play a Vital Role

Machine learning and artificial intelligence are pillars in which you can build intelligent applications. According to Salesforce, Artificial intelligence as technology will be more likely to implement in various industries in 2020. Software or apps are capable of smart behavior involving learning, problem-solving, perception, or knowledge representation.

Personalization – Future of Digital Marketing

Personalization is the future of digital marketing. It has become one of the important part of business, as it analyses customer’s behaviors and promotes products based on assumptions and the handler’s past history. It showcases products that a person may be interested in buying forth similar and complementary products in recommended tabs.


According to Gartner, 90% of the people will start using marketing personalization in some shape and form. In 2020, B2B organizations will increase their importance on personalization and experiment with hyper-targeting technology.

Strategic focus and lean marketing

Over the decade, B2B marketing has experienced a great deal of change largely brought on by customer demands. In 2020, they should shift their focus on bottom line results. The firms should realize marketing’s value for better integration and less waste.

Conclusion Note

Now it is the time to start planning for marketing strategy 2020, and it is good to start New Year with your goals in mind. With the above-discussed points, we can predict that content marketing will continue to dominate the digital marketing landscape. Most of these above trends rely on content in some or the other way. To succeed in that, you should have a quality base of content across all marketing channels.

Diana Morris

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